Deliry C. [2025] – 2023 - In : Odonates du Monde (Histoires Naturelles) (2004-[2025]) – Version 51922 du 10.02.2025. – odonates.net

Histoire des Odonates - Dossiers thématiques - World Odonata List
Aristote - 1235 - 1323 - 1503 - 1510 - 1558 - 1575 - 1589 - 1590 - 1592 - 1602 - 1630 - 1634 - 1650 - 1659 - 1661 - 1680 - 1685 - 1699 - 1700 - 1701 - 1710 - 1723 - 1732 - 1735 - 1738 - 1740 - 1742 - 1744 - 1746 - 1748 - 1749 - 1750 - 1751 - 1754 - 1756 - 1757 - 1758 - 1761 - 1762 - 1763 - 1764 - 1766 - 1767 - 1768 - 1769 - 1770 - 1771 - 1773 - 1775 - 1776 - 1777 - 1778 - 1779 - 1780 - 1781 - 1782 - 1783 - 1785 - 1787 - 1788 - 1789 - 1791 - 1792 - 1793 - 1796 - 1797 - 1798 - 1801 - 1802 - 1804 - 1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1810 - 1815 - 1817 - 1818 - 1819 - 1820 - 1823 - 1825 - 1826 - 1827 - 1829 - 1830 - 1831 - 1832 - 1833 - 1834 - 1835 - 1836 - 1837 - 1838 - 1839 - 1840 - 1841 - 1842 - 1843 - 1844 - 1845 - 1846 - 1847 - 1848 - 1849 - 1850 - 1851 - 1853 - 1854 - 1855 - 1856 - 1857 - 1858 - 1859 - 1860 - 1861 - 1862 - 1863 - 1864 - 1865 - 1866 - 1867 - 1868 - 1869 - 1870 - 1871 - 1872 - 1873 - 1874 - 1875 - 1876 - 1877 - 1878 - 1879 - 1880 - 1881 - 1882 - 1883 - 1884 - 1885 - 1886 - 1887 - 1888 - 1889 - 1890 - 1891 - 1892 - 1893 - 1894 - 1895 - 1896 - 1897 - 1898 - 1899 - 1900 - 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1911 - 1912 - 1913 - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933 - 1934 - 1935 - 1936 - 1937 - 1938 - 1939 - 1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - 1946 - 1947 - 1948 - 1949 - 1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955 - 1956 - 1957 - 1958 - 1959 - 1960 - 1961 - 1962 - 1963 - 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978 - 1979 - 1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 - Permanent
J>e propose deux nouveaux sous-ordres distingués au sein des Zygoptères : Lestida et Platystictida qui viennent compléter celui des Calopteragrionida que j’avais fondé en 2014 (Deliry 2014, 2018).
Attaullah M. & al. 2023 - Diversity of the Anisoptera & Zygoptera (Odonata: Insecta) of Swat, Pakistan. - Brazilan J. of Biology, 83. - ONLINE
Beatty C.D. & al. 2023 - Nikoulabasis roseosticta, sp. nov. from Fiji (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). - Zootaxa, 5383 (2) : 135-152. - CHECK
Bota-Sierra C. & Sánchez Herrera M. 2023 - A new species of bannerwing damselfly, Polythore albistriata sp. nov. (Odonata: Polythoridae). - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 82-92. - ONLINE
Brenda S.D. & al. 2023 - Odonata assemblages in human-modified landscapes. - In : Córdoba-Aguilar A. & al. - Dragonflies and Damselflies. Second Edition. - Oxford University Press.
Cano-Cobos Y., Montes-Fontalvo J. & Bota-Sierra C. 2023 - Philogenia realpei sp. nov. (Zygoptera: Philogeniidae), a new damselfly species from Colombia. - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 74-81. - BiB
David J. & Wiza S. 2023 – Clé de détermination des Libellules de la Bretagne à la Vendée. – ex : Atlas des libellules de la Bretagne à la Vendée. – éd. Locus Solus, Bretagne Vivante, Atlas entom. régional Loire-Atlantique et Vendée : non paginé. – PDF LINK
Denck E., Ehlert J. & Parise Pinto Â. 2023 - 150th anniversary of Alberto Santos-Dumont’s birth, the father of aviation : the damselfly Cyanallagma demoiselle sp. nov. from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Odonata : Coenagrionidae). - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 212-223. - ONLINE - BiB
Derlande E. & al. 2023 - Parc naturel régional du Vercors. ENS Combe Laval. Biodiversité. Etude des systèmes tufeux de Combe Laval (suivis biologiques et hydrogéochimique). - ifremis, CBNA, Groupe Sympetrum, PNR du Vercors : 47 pp. - BiB
Devi W.D. & al. 2023 - Edible insects : As traditional medicine for human wellness. - Future Foods, 7 [200219]. – ONLINE
Durand E. 2023 - Distribution et éléments d’écologie de Sympetrum depressiusculum (Libellulidae) dans le pays avignonnais (Vaucluse et Bouches-du-Rhône). - Martinia, 37 (1) : 1-10. - ONLINE
Faasen T. 2023 - Tukanobasis huamantincoae, a new species of damselfly from Peru (Odonata : Coenagrionidae), with updated generic characterization. - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 54-62. - ONLINE
Fahmi A.I. 2023 - Struktur Komunitas Capung (Odonata) Di Kawasan Sumber Air Hutan Sumber Pawon, Kediri. - Thèse, Institut Technologique Sepuluh Nopember.
Florez T. & al. 2023 - A collecting trip to San José del Guaviare, Colombia, with the description of a new species of Perissolestes (Zygoptera: Perilestidae). - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 7-17. - ONLINE
Grigoropoulou A. 2023 - The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects. - Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2023 : 1-14. - ONLINE
Glad A. & Mallard F. 2023 - Spatial Distribution Modeling of Odonata in the New Aquitaine Region (France): A Tool to Target Refuge Areas Under Climate Change. - In : Fihlho W.L. & al. (éd.) 2023 - Spatial Distribution Modeling of Odonata in the New Aquitaine Region (France): A Tool to Target Refuge Areas Under Climate Change. - Springer Nature, Switzerland : 545-566.
Gurung M.M. & Phan Q.T. 2023 - Description of Protosticta samtsensis sp. nov. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from Samtse district, Bhutan. - Zootaxa, 5352 (1), 2 octobre 2023.
Hadri Jumaat A. & Ab Hamid S. 2023 - Monitoring Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation in Rivers Using Damselflies (Insecta: Odonata, Zygoptera) as Biological Indicator. - Sains Malaysiana, 52 (2) : 312-331. - ONLINE
Hämäläinen M. & Fliedner H. 2023 - Why did William Elford Leach call a small damselfly a ‘pirate’? - Revisiting the etymology of the genus Lestes (Odonata : Lestidae). - Notul. odonatol., 10 (1) : 8-16.
Hansruedi W. 2023 - Ökologische Infrastruktur am Beispiel Libellen (Odonata) im südlichen Kanton Zürich. - [Fondements écologiques par l'exemple des libellules (Odonata) dans le sud du canton de Zurich.] - Ornitholo. Beobachter, 120 (4) : 350-367.
Hu F.S. & Futahashi R. 2023 - Molecular phylogenetic analysis and its impact on the conservation of Ischnura rubilio Selys, 1876 (Odonata : Coenagrionidae) in Taiwan. - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26 : 63-73. - ONLINE
Jiang B. & al. 2023 - Genetic variation and population structure of a widely distributed damselfly (Ischnura senegalensis). - Insect Bioch. and Physiol., 9 avril 2023.
Ŧ - Jouault C. & al. 2023 - New odonatans (Odonata : Gomphaeschnidae ; Synlestidae) from the Paleocene Paskapoo Formation: systematic and biogeographical implications. - J. of Systematic Paleontology, 21 (1).
Juen A. & al. 2023 - The First Mitochondrial Genome of an Odonata Endemic to South America, Chalcopteryx rutilans (Rambur, 1842) (Odonata: Polythoridae), and Its Implications for the Phylogeny of the Zygopter. - Diversity, 15 (8). - ONLINE
Kovács T. & Theischinger G. 2023 - A new species of Nososticta Hagen, 1860, from Batanta Island, West Papua, Indonesia (Odonata : Platycnemididae). - Odonatologica, 52 (3/4) : 267-276.
Kipping J., Clausnitzer V. & Dijkstra K.D. 2023 - The highlands and escarpments of Angola as an endemism hotspot for African dragonflies and damselflies (Insects: Odonata). - In : Mendelsohn J.M., Huntley B. & Vaz Pinto P. - Monograph of Endeemism in the Highlands and Escarpments of Angola and Namibia. - Namibian J. of Environment, vol. 8. - BiB - [A traiter !]
Kosterin O.E. 2023 - Nomenclatural reconsideration of the genera Aeschnophlebia Selys, 1883 and Planaeschna McLachlan, 1896 (Odonata, Aeshnidae). - Zootaxa, 5353, 2, 12 octobre 2023. - [A traiter !]
Kosterin O.E. 2023 - Reconsideration of three Odonata taxa described by A.N. Bartenev from the same place in West Caucasus. - Odonatologica, 52 (1/2) : 89-126.
Lencioni 2023 - [A préciser !] [Juenagrion] - [A traiter !] : vérifier les genres ajoutés !
La Porta G. & al. 2023 - The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna : Odonata. - Biogeographia, 38 (1). - PDF LINK
Marinov M. & Rashni B. 2023 - Contribution to the Odonata of Kadvu, Fiji, with erection of three new species (Insecta : Odonata). - Faunistic Studies in South-east Asian and Pacific Island Odonata, n°41, 2 septembre 2023. - PDF LINK - [A traiter !]
Makbun N. 2023 - The genus Sympetrum Newman, 1833 in Thailand, with description of S. thailandensis sp. nov. (Odonata : Libellulidae). - Zootaxa, 5296 (4).
Mendoza-Penagos C.C., Gonçalves M.K. & Vilela D.S. 2023 - A new species of Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913 (Odonata : Zygoptera: Heteragrionidae) from Northwestern Brazil. - Zootaxa, 5318 (3), 20 juillet 2023. - BiB
Monnerat C. 2023 - Situation actuelle de Leucorrhinia albifrons (Burmeister, 1839) en Suisse (Odonata: Libellulidae). - Entomo Helvetica, 16 : 9-25. - ONLINE
Muneer P.K. & al. 2023 - Odonata checklist of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala State, Southern India. - Intern. J. of Tropical Insect Science.
Newton L. & al. 2023 - Evolution of Odonata: Genomic insights. - Current Opinion in Insect Science, 7 juin 2023.
Ngiam R. & Ng M. 2023 - A Photographic Field Guide to the Dragonflies & Damselflies of Singapore. - John Beaufroy Publishing.
Nicolas V. 2023 - Libellules et demoiselles de Mayotte. - éd. Kinkirga : 268 pp.
Ostrovski A.M. 2023 - New Data on the Fauna of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Southeastern Belarus. - Aquatic Flora Fauna, 16 (19 décembre 2023) : 999-1010.
Patten M.A & Benson B.R. 2023 - A broader flight season for Norway's Odonata across a century and a half. - [Une saison de vol plus étendue pour les odonates de Norvège sur un siècle et demi.] - Oikos, 31 mai 2023. - ONLINE
Polisset P. (coord.) 2023 - Atlas des Libelllules et Demoiselles du Tarn. - Opie Midi-Pyrénées, LPO Occitanie, Asnat. - BiB
Payra A. & al. 2023 - Description of Protosticta armageddonia sp. nov. (Odonata : Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from the Western Ghats of India. - Intern. J. of Odonatol., 26, 28 août 2023 : 93-102. - ONLINE
Rehn A.C. 2003 – Phylogenetic analysis of higher-level relationships of Odonata. – Systematic Entomology, 28 : 181-239.
Sawant D. & Kambli A. 2023 - Gynacantha anandmati, a new species of dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) from Maharashtra, India. - Zootaxa, 5329 (4) : 537-550. - BiB
Saxton N.A., Powell G.S. & Bybee S.M. 2023 - A story of vicariance ? how the geology of oceanic archipelagos influenced the evolutionary history of endemic damselflies. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 186.
Schneider T. & al. 2023 - Molecular Phylogeny of Holarctic Aeshnidae with a Focus on the West Palaearctic and Some Remarks on Its Genera Worldwide (Aeshnidae, Odonata). - Diversity, 15 (9), 23 août 2023. - ONLINE - [A traiter !]
Seehausen M., Turiault M., Fliedner H. & Deliry C. 2023 - “A nice old greybeard” – Friedrich Ris’ correspondence archived at the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt/Main, Germany. - Intern. Dragonfly Fund, Report, 180 (1er juillet 2023) : 1-84. - ONLINE
Seidu I. & al. 2023 - Contribution to the knowledge of Odonata fauna of the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Bobiri Forest Reserve, Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ankasa Forest Reserve (southern Ghana). - Intern. Dragonfly Fund, Report, 143 : 1-20.
Souvignet N. & Faton J.M. 2023 - Etangs du Grand Albert et Petit Coquet. Porte-des-Bonnevaux. Inventaire et suivi des Odonates. Suivi de la recolonisation des Leucorrhines et de leurs habitats suite à la réhabilitation. Caractérisation et évaluation du peuplement odonatologique. 2023 - Première année, étude (2023-2025). - Dossier d'Etude du Groupe Sympetrum : non paginé. - BiB
Suárez-Tovar C.M. & al. 2023 - Abordando las respuestas de odonatos ante cambios ambientales del Antropoceno desde el Laboratorio de Ecología de la Conducta de Artrópodos (LECA). - Hetaerina, 5 (2) : 6-11. - BiB
Vilela D.S., Guillermo-Ferreira R. & Koroiva R. 2023 - Argia koroivarum sp. nov. (Odonata : Coenagrionidae) from Minas Gerais state, Southeastern Brazil. - Zootaxa, 5296 (1) : 58-66. - BiB
Ŧ - Yang N., Ren D. & Béthoux O. 2023 - Little bits of dragonfly history repeating exemplified by a new Pennsylvanian family. - Royal Society Open Science, 10 : 230904. - PDF LINK

- Argia koroivarum Vilela, 2023
- Cyanallagma demoiselle Denck, Ehlert & Pinto, 2023
- Dimeragrion baniwa Mendoza-Penagos, Gonçalves & Vilela, 2023
- Epipleoneura parmula Tennessen & Garrison, 2023
- Epithemis wayanaedensis Chandran & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Gynacantha anandmati Sawant & Kambli, 2023
- Heteragrion corderoi Vilela, Lencioni & Bispo, 2023
- Isoaeschna Schneider & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Juenagrion [A préciser !] - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Juenagrion nanae Lencioni, 2023 → Telebasis nanae Lencioni, 2023 [Paulson & al. [2023a] ; [2023b]]
- Metagrion annehueberae Kalkman & Richards, 2023
- Metagrion furcatum Kalkman & Richards, 2023
- Metagrion lopaui Kalkman & Richards, 2023
- Metagrion pseudolamprostoma Kalkman & Richards, 2023
- Metagrion topexus Kalkman & Richards, 2023
- Minagrion veredae ([A vérifier !] [WOL1]) Vilela, Jacques & de Souza, 2023
- Nesobasis baidamuensium Marinov & Rashni, 2023
- Nesobasis nedeltshevae Ferguson & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nikouloabasis Ferguson & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nikoulabasis ilievae Marinov & Rashni, 2023
- Nikoulabasis roseosticta Beatty & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nososticta boonei Theischinger & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nososticta hedigeri Theischinger & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nosostica peti Kovács & Theischinger, 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nososticta stueberi Theischinger & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Nososticta tagula Theischinger & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Perissolestes rupestris Florez & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Philogenia realpei Cano-Cobos & Bota-Sierra, 2023
- Polythore albistriata Bota-Sierra & Sánchez Herrera, 2023 [A vérifier !]
- Protosticta armageddonia Payra & al., 2023 - [A voir pour la WOL]
- Protosticta samtsensis Gurung & Phan, 2023
- Sympetrum thailandens Makbun, 2023
- Tukabobasis huamantincoae Faasen, 2023
[A traiter !]
[a] Paulson D., Schorr M. & Deliry C. (coord.) [2025] - World Odonata List (New). - Slater MNH, Univ. Puget Sound, première mise en ligne en 2000 (Schorr & al. 2000). - WOL - ONLINE (nouveau lien)
[b] Paulson D., Schorr M., Abbott J., Bota-Sierra C., Deliry C., Dijkstra K.D. & Lozano, F. (coord.) [2021-2025] - World Odonata List. - Odonata Central, University of Alabama. - ONLINE
> Oklahoma 2023 (DSA)
Références supplémentaires
Deliry C. 2014 - Classification phylogénétique des Libellules. - Histoires Naturelles n°34. - A la demande
Deliry C. 2018 - Essai de classification phylogénétique des Odonates. - Histoires Naturelles n°56. - PDF